The End Times: Daniel's 70th Week

2 videos • 0 views • by Truthdebate What is the End Times? Its the transition from this fallen age to the Kingdom of God. We live in a fallen world, filled with sin and destruction, how did we get this way? In Genesis 1, after the Creation, God proclaimed His Creation was "Very Good", then why all the evil? Because of the fall of man. After the Fall, God established a plan of redemption in Genesis 3:15, the "Seed" of the Woman would crush the head of the Serpents seed. This was the protoevangelion, the "First" good news after the fall. A Redeemer is coming, the Messiah who would restore God's righteous order. In these video we will cover 8 parts of understanding the End Times: 1. What is the End Times? 2. The Biblical Covenants (Abraham, Palestinian,Davidic and New) 3. The Seventy (70) Week of Daniel 4. The Rapture 5. The First Half the Tribulation 6. The Middle of the Tribulation 7. The Last Half of the Tribulation 8. The Millennium and Eternity