Celebrations Rooted in Nature

2 videos • 6 views • by Our Wild Ohio Hey there, everyone, and welcome back to OUR WILD OHIO! Today we will be looking at Halloween, a celebration rooted in Nature! The history and original purpose of Halloween and paying a closer attention to the symbols can teach us a lot about the origins and its significance in our lives. Celebrating Halloween and its festivals is also a subtle way to teach kids about the yearly cycle of nature and the intimate way we are dependent on this cycle. Take for example Halloween. It wasn’t until recently that I started to think about the reasons why we carve pumpkins, dress in costumes, and go trick or treating for candy. Turns out all of these symbols have their beginning far back in time, to a time when people believed in, and worshiped, the power of nature. THANK YOU for watching Our Wild Ohio! Please like and subscribe! Any support is GREATLY APPRECIATED! Have a wonderful day!