Feast of Trumpets 2020, Call2Come

3 videos • 9 views • by Call2Come Join with the Bride around the world, as we celebrate the Feast of Trumpets 2020. In a three part special broadcast, the theme on Day 1 is on Israel, and the blowing of the shofar, then Day 2 is repentance, in which people from many nations from around the world all intercede on behalf of their nation for forgiveness, a truly moving time not to be missed, then Day 3 is the worshipping Bride, and Dr Mike Pike will share the necessity of the Bride to call Amen, Even So, Come Lord Jesus, if the Bride is to get ready, with the big finale, of the Bride around the world, calling upon the Lord to come. It's been a wonderful time together as these broadcasts were premiered, so that we were able to be together, but please continue to watch them as they will continue to inspire and give hope in the times we face today. Maranatha.