The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

5 videos • 3 views • by Call2Come The Bride of Christ wears the mantle of a prophet(ess). A hallmark of the generation that will usher in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be the manifestation of the spirit of Elijah. Mal 4:5Open in Logos Bible Software (if available),6 John the Baptist received this anointing in his calling to "prepare the way of the Lord", and it will arise again upon the end time generation. They will be those who like Elijah and John have spent time in the wilderness alone with God in an essential preparation. The "word of their testimony" is the "testimony of Jesus" and "the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy." There is an invite for the royal Bride of Christ into the courts of Heaven, where she will hear and receive the legislation and decrees of the King, which are to be proclaimed upon the earth in acts of prophetic administration.