Democracy in our workplaces parliament & Communities The Peoples Conference Birmingham 01.10.16

6 videos • 11 views • by Fourman Films PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE | 1 OCTOBER NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION | 2 OCTOBER PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE | 1 OCTOBER PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE - OUR ALTERNATIVE TO AUSTERITY Saturday 1 October, 10:30am - 5pm Birmingham Town Hall, Victoria Square, B3 3DQ **Register your place below** Followed by... Special Advance Screening of Ken Loach's "I, Daniel Blake" - with introduction from Ken Loach 7pm, Cineworld Broadstreet, Birmingham NOTE: Spaces for the screening are limited, please book early. This screening is avaliable exclusively to attendees of the People's Conference Key Themes / Sessions Include: Nationalisation vs Privatisation Democracy: In Parliament, In Workplaces, In Communities The Benefits of Immigration Communities Abandoned: What Should Local Government Provide? (with Councillors Against Austerity) Who Have Cuts Really Benefited? War, Weapons & Western Intervention Ken Loach Filmmaker, Salma Yaqoob Campaigner, Francesca Martinez Comedian, Yannis Gourtsoyannis Junior Doctors Committee, Kevin Courtney National Union of Teachers, Dave Ward Communication Workers Union, Malia Bouattia National Union of Students, Steve Turner Unite the Union, Sam Fairbairn People's Assembly, John Hendy QC Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, Maz Saleem Campaigner, Lindsey German Stop the War Coalition, Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism, Ian Hodson Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union, Natalie Bennett Green Party, David Edgar Playwright, Kadisha Burrell Campaigner. More to be announced Austerity has clearly failed the majority but what is the alternative? At this conference we will explore and discuss how to it's possible to achieve a society where everyone has secure housing, jobs and decent education. It'll counter the lies that will come out of the Tory Conference over the following days, and will propose a series of actions over the coming weeks and months that can create a movement that stops austerity in it's tracks.