“Goshu Ondo Suite/江州音頭組曲” Eri Yamamoto Jazz Piano Trio w/ various choirs. 山本恵理ジャズピアノトリオ&合唱団

12 videos • 99 views • by Eri Yamamoto / 山本恵理 - Jazz Pianist in New York "Goshu Ondo Suite 江州音頭組曲" for SATB and Jazz Piano Trio (with bass and drums)  混声四部合唱とジャズピアノトリオのために Traditional Song adapted and arranged  伝統盆踊り曲を編曲 by Eri Yamamoto Lyrics 作詞 by Ryuji Namioka  Additional lyrics 追加作詞 by Eri Yamamoto *Full Score available in English, Spanish and Japanese on Amazon.com Amazonにて、楽譜を発売中。 *Album "Goshu Ondo Suite" on https://eriyamamoto.bandcamp.com https://www.eriyamamoto.com <江州音頭組曲> 2018年11月にニューヨークで行われた、江州音頭組曲の世界初演ライブ録音コンサート。ニューヨークトリオと、ニューヨークを拠点に数々の賞を受賞している総勢50名以上の コーラル・カメレオンとの共演。 江州音頭は滋賀、京都を中心に、盆踊り等で広く親しまれている音頭です。現在の形になったのは明治時代ですが、そのルーツは平安時代にさかのぼります。 幼少の頃、私の祖父母が住む滋賀の村では、毎年夏に盆踊り大会があり、江州音頭に合わせてやぐらの周りを一晩中、みんなで踊ったものです。 ニューヨーク在住20年以上になりますが、ある日ふと、江州音頭のフレーズを口にしました。すると幼少期の楽しい思い出が、一気に蘇りました。 “そうだ、江州音頭のメロディーをもとに、たくさんの人が参加できる曲を書こう”と思い立ち、ジャズトリオと合唱を融合させた組曲を完成させました。 The Goshu Ondo Suite is for SATB choir and jazz trio. It is based on a traditional circle dance song from Shiga, Japan, near Kyoto. Every summer, my family celebrated the Bon week, when our ancestors’ souls return to us. The highlight is the Bon-Odori, when we eat, drink, and dance all night to Goshu Ondo. “Goshu” is the old name for the Shiga prefecture, and “Ondo” means a dance song. I have been composing music since I was eight, and fell in love with jazz in my twenties. I moved from Japan to New York City in 1995 to pursue the chance to perform my own music on the piano. I have played and recorded mostly with my trio (with bass and drums), but when the Goshu Ondo melody came into my mind one afternoon in 2017, I decided to adapt it for choir and my trio. The suite is in nine movements, and covers a wide range of tempos, rhythmic grooves, and harmonic colors. Like much of my other work, it draws on the music of many cultures: Japanese traditional folk dance, American jazz, gospel, and blues; and even Congolese drum rhythms. We come from many parts of the world, but music unites us. Although Goshu Ondo Suite has a strong jazz element, the vocal parts do not require jazz experience. The lyrics are in Japanese, but very simple (and fun, I believe) to sing in transliteration. I was very happy to have Goshu Ondo Suite premiered by Vince Peterson’s wonderful group, Choral Chameleon, in 2018. For the encore, we taught the traditional dance steps to the audience, and they joined us onstage to celebrate this joyous tradition. The premier was recorded live and released by AUM Fidelity. I have since performed the suite with multiple choirs in Japan and Spain, always with the audiences joining us in dance. # goshuondo #江州音頭 #ごうしゅうおんど