Eric and Samuel's bike tour from Toronto to Ottawa

5 videos • 293 views • by Samuel Benoit Right now my friend Eric Farr (of Honeyman and the Brothers Farr and the Hidden Words) is working with the International Development and Relief Foundation and his main job is running the Mother's Day Bike Challenge that will take a group of volunteers from different faiths from Toronto to Ottawa to raise money the organization's maternal health work in Asia and Africa. Just a few weeks ago I joined Eric on on a bike ride to run through the route and marry Eric's foolish optimism with my actual experience planning bike tours with the Otesha Project. The tour turned out to be a total disaster that cost us our friendship and very nearly our very lives. Unlike many Facebook users who use their profiles that project a version of their lives that is filled only with weddings, concerts and puppy dogs, Eric and I had the courage to say petty things about each other to all our contacts. To read the whole story with these videos in more context, please read the following blog post: