Battle Tanks GA PSX
14 videos • 1,206 views • by Shishizurui Playthru of BTGA PSX (Pros)- For battletanx fans, Cutscenes New tanks CD music different levels (extends the Battletanx experience) (Cons)- Getting Hung up often, Manuverability and control suck, Random things can blow up and kill you, And worst of all Most enemies cause more harm after their dead when their dead tank burns you when your trying to get their star. Comments- Nintendo 64 Port is much better( Smoother Faster Pace action, better controls The playstation version seems like a Beta of the 64 and the best way to describe this game on the playstation is it's like Doom for the 32x its a good game that's gone terrible because of its port. (Would I recommend it?)- No; Play the Nintendo 64 version instead