👉CLIP |《凡人修仙传》A Mortal's Journey | 精彩看点 Highlights
305 videos • 44,944 views • by Made By Bilibili - Chinese Donghua Animation *凡人修仙传年番 暂不上线以下地区印度尼西亚/台湾/文莱/新加坡/柬埔寨/泰国/澳门/缅甸/老挝/菲律宾/蒙古/越南/香港/马来西亚,以上地区观众可前往下方地址进行观看,畅享多语言字幕: 【bilibili】:https://www.bilibili.tv/en/play/36571... 【Ani-Mi Asia】:https://www.youtube.com/@AnimiforAsia 看机智的凡人小子韩立如何稳健发展、步步为营,战魔道、夺至宝、驰骋星海、快意恩仇,成为纵横三界的强者。他日仙界重相逢,一声道友尽沧桑。 "A Mortal's Journey" will not be available in the following regions: Indonesia, Taiwan, Brunei, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Macau, Myanmar, Laos, Philippines, Mongolia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Viewers in these regions can watch with multi-language subtitles at the following links: 【bilibili】: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/play/36571... 【Ani-Mi Asia】: https://www.youtube.com/@AnimiforAsia A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality is the animation adaptation of the eponymous novel. Han Li was born a poor and ordinary young man. To seek enlightment and become a mortal human being, he is apprenticed to a master travels in a small school. Despite of his humble beginning, Han Li strives hard and eventually becomes a moral who travels across the realms of human, soul and immortal to gain master power and seek the ultimate truth.