Moore To The Story: Podcast & Show

23 videos • 206 views • by HausHill Entertainment Jada Sharise Moore is a Chicago native and an alumna of DePaul University (2015) where she studied Communication & Media. She began her writing career in 2016 after realizing she wanted to take a slightly different path than news reporting. She became a natural storyteller and created her blog, Moore To The Story, where she inspires and encourages others bases on her past relationships. Her content is inspirational, poetic and emotionally unfiltered. She is proud to announce that she has reached over 5,000 readers. Three months after starting her blog, she became a published writer with digital magazine, Thought Catalog. ​ 3 years later, Jada wrote and published her first book, Brokenness That Made Me Whole, taking readers though three stages of love that she went though: losing herself, finding herself and choosing to love again. After releasing her book in March of 2019, she realized that her story encouraged other women to tell their story. She realized that it's more than finally leaving him, it's about surviving the things we go through as women. It's about finding ourselves and receiving what God has for us. It's about telling our stories to help the next woman get through what we've been through. ​ Jada then created Moore To The Story, The Podcast & Show which she coordinates, edits and co-produces with the HausHill Entertainment network. The podcast was created for those who are ready to tell their story of brokenness to inspire and encourage the next man or woman that they too, can overcome. It was created for the person who has come to the point where he/she has owned their brokenness, healed and became /becoming whole. To date, she has reached over 3,000+ downloads. Her special guests have shared their stories of overcoming adversity, adoption, abuse, toxic relationships and suicidal thoughts. ​ Jada's most recent accomplishment is creating and hosting her very own event, Brokenness That Made Me Whole: Girl Talk, a healing circle for women, a safe space and an environment of truth. This was created to help women get through it, to successfully overcome it, whatever IT is. To speak about the things we are going through or been through, that either broke us or helped us become whole. ​ Jada is currently a freelance writer; writing resumes, cover letters, articles and blogs. She is also working on an Anthology, 100 Words of Inspiration, which will be released November 2019 and wrapping up season one of her hit Podcast & Show. ​ Some of Jada's career highlights are followed: Co-Host for the A.C. Green Show, 106.3 FM Chicago's R&B, 102.3 Rejoice, Featured Guest on: Andre Renee's Creative Cafe, 102.3 Rejoice, FocusTalk with Dennis Snipe, Truth Radio with Harold Davis and Prayze, Cafe Radio with Ed Cosby. Guest speaker for the Millenial Literary and Entreprenuers Forum and Actress with No Shade Ensemble, a Nonprofit organization.