Michael Hardt. The Common Wealth in a Just World. 2010

11 videos • 1,644 views • by European Graduate School Video Lectures http://www.egs.edu/ Michael Hardt speaking about about the common wealth, the duality of the common ground and the creative commons, capitalism, the need for a new political reality, the new world order and its terms. Michael Hardt lecturing about a process of transformation, the rise of a network power, the role of information, association and affects, property and labor conditions, the definition of time, the working day, precarious work, and the modes of affection in a lecture entitled "The Common Wealth / Was wir in einer gerechteren Welt gemeinsam besitzen können" at the Schaubühne Berlin. A Streitgespräch led by journalist Carolin Emcke at the Schaubühne in Berlin, Germany, March 21, 2010.