我的創業學院 (My Startup Academia)
12 videos • 3 views • by N's Startup Lab (NSL) 本系列是NSL面向創業者、企業管理團隊、商業愛好者精心打造的專業級創業與商業課程。我們基於Y Combinator、NFX、First Round Capital等全球頂級早期創業投資與孵化機構的方法論,將會分享一些創業的落地實務,以及面向更廣泛人群的應用前沿技術的商業與管理實踐。 This series is a professional-level entrepreneurship and business course meticulously crafted by NSL for entrepreneurs, corporate management teams, and business enthusiasts. Based on the methodologies of leading venture capital and incubation institutions such as Y Combinator, NFX, and First Round Capital, we will share practical entrepreneurship implementations, as well as business and management practices with cutting-edge technologies for a broader audience.