Aries thru Virgo in Part1 and Libra thru Pisces in Part2 (exploring full zodiac)

2 videos • 25 views • by by Benjamin B Ll in Aq: "I was aware of moving consciously through my own subconscious." Jean Houston: Lucid Living.. "mythologize the story...rather than pathologize the would be a very different story....facing the ancient dragons" Jean says of the "dragons at the gate" around 10:30. "unless you can perform all sorts of wonders, you cannot pass..." "there's so many different scripts and so many different we choose to our our lenses of our own mind and bodies is pretty much how reality comes up...'as you perceive something, so it exists' -- we all are given this myriad-colored lighting fixtures...interdependent co-arising...the universe says, 'hot dog we've got a live one here' and begins to co-create with us" "the only reason I can write so much is because I am a good fusion cook" ha.. "oh my god this is classic" …"i become a cook in order to write. i literally become a cook-I think in terms of cooking images, i stir in a mélange of ideas...the words become different a cook i can write, as Jean I cannot need to incarnate need to embody them...they have been resting beneath the surface crust of consciousness as mere latencies ready to spring forth vital, alive, and be very skillful in bringing whatever is your intention..." #freethelusid #escapethecave #findthefire #giftthelight 'stackers'=sediment=onion layers of Oz..gee whiz where's Alice? "this coming together process...after the tornado it took in Wizard of seeing 'the best lack all conviction, and the worst are filled with passionate intensity'...what happens? she leaves the world of monochrome..." #CypressHillElephantsonAcid | Lucid LivingTV The Astral War Is Here | There Are No Super Heroes. Notice on December 17, 2020, Lilith is with Uranus in Taurus, both embodying the sensual issues basic and fixed to the earth bull funkyum. Notice also, Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius together in time known to lightning-rod-hit the structure's last chords now to shift it for each and every one, as Saturn's "better" half to most feeling light-enough to know it airing-out well generally felt by everyone through the sign of the water-carrier in knowing the way applied to the path to yield wisdom of each one carrying water to truly every creature even beyond human and of the herds and flocks and even any school of-or-through those waters -- a free flyer of many, like Jonathan Livingston Seagull, known given as one to fly each such as one will to fly together seeing the inspiration in what is present just in each as oneself. Good to lallow a member of the herd to shepherd those flocking and returning through the expansions now present to witness as what may not even have identifying parameters for objects of awareness flying through the clouds of generally thought in most minds carrying that water as the ball-lightning cuts through Jupiter's greatest stone: diamond crystal awareness here for all. First tho, Jupiter must get direct and light up everything moving through Capricorn in the Year of the Rat to get to Aquarius for the Year of the Water Buffalo (Ox). Integrative astrology sees through the connection that each of the 12 years of the chinese zodiac corresponds to the times when Jupiter is in each of the 12 signs of western astrology, and then see the correlations with the Mayan system at each cusp of the moon and sun with each of the 12 zodiac signs. That is a 3-way integrative framework for the astral "hologram" programming involving the ones who know just what one knows and the soul intentionally beaming through that just for you to get it done here scaling through and beyond the mass confusions many see yet know one's own mind does not exist in those confusions despite the body walking through a world loaded with beings merely in need of communicating with compassionately, even in the face of any not perceiving the code of empathy and respect we no longer seem to need to see in oddly several diverse ways, because we know jhow to rise to the occasion and speak the truth wit d id known and free while checked to the scale micro-to-macrocosm that anyone may speak it and all awe the id time idtis along the medial.