Artificial Intelligence Deceit #experimental #ai #aiart #aifilm #aivideoart #aivideoeditor #avantgarde #electronics #psychedelic #videoart
9 videos • 134 views • by Strange Movies Sanctuary This is as well the first full length film made with videos generated by Artificial Intelligence than a collection for my first steps using Music and Video Assisted by Artificial Intelligence. The music is always in free download you just have to add the https double dot double slash to the link. Or visit the netlabel These video art clips are available in free download here ( Il y a aussi une nouvelle de fiction psychotique pour les francophones ici there is also a short novel related here in english ) The second volume Artificial Hybridization is here A note about each segments : 01. Artificial Lie is the first I did using the stable diffusion video to generate the visual. I wanted to study what might stay of my univers if I didn’t create the visual, nocht the music, nocht the lyrics. Perhaps the result bring more questions than answers. For me the intuitive artists are only mediums, kind of operators or tools bringing creations of the outer world in this one. The creations matter more than whose who bring them to life. I enjoy the paradoxe of the depiction of the artificial lies by an artificial intelligence : chatGPT. 02. Open Letter to the aliens is the second I did. Based on the visual gimmnick of the warning. The colors were more bright and saturated so I decided to use a layer of my own footage, tv stray lines generated with an electric freqencies generator, to make the global tone more dark. I enjoy the paradoxe to deliver an ecological message with a so much non ecological tool. 03. Sasquatch is the third, done to experiment with something less narrative. The pitch is simple The sasquatch is walking on the ice always thinner and he’s always more angry about his envirronement being destroy by the global warming. That time again, I used my own footages to make the colors less vivid and to damage the video game aesthetic to be sure the audience would not take it for something lovely when it just terriblely sad. 04. Angel’s Mouth is older. It was my first experiment to mix AI arts with my own footages. I asked my friend of Studio 112 to create the singing angels because he was involve in the music so it was interesting to collaborate at the creation of the visual. 05. The bitter taste of nuclear peace is the older one. I did it a year ago. This was my first attempt to use an artificial intelligence to generate the music. I edited it a little mixing it with our improvised sound and used a vocal synthesis for read the lyrics. I enjoy that including this shorts give the idea that artificial intelligence is as disruptive for all artistic domains as much as an atomic bomb. 06. The Unforgettable Sound is an attempt to generate something more abstract and ambient. I wanted to test how artificial visuals will work with improvisated music. It’s also the longer one trying to play more with the psychedelic effects induit by the morphing and other specificity to AI generated video. 4 seconds could seems short but for someone come from the sampling culture in reality it’s relatively long segments that you can loop, reverse and mutate to expand them easyly. 07. Where Are Robots ? is trying to get a specific style without using my footages, but finding interesting elements in the prompt for get it. I could have play more with the edit splitting the screen in four and 8 and 16 when the robots become more numerous, but I wanted to experiment without editing too much. 08. For Capitalism is the Virus I used the visual analogies between conveyord belts and supermarket shelves or long city streets. It could be funny if wasn't that sad that despite the long track I’ve been not able to use all the videos generated, so kept out the pollution, the rubbish, the people dying of hungry when the speculators play with a country’s staple foods. I noticed that while being not that good to create realistic films, if use in a surrealistic ways getting ride of the rational way of thinking to glide into something fantasmagoric the artificial intelligence is a really powerful tool, and it allow to explore new forms of non linear creation.