XXXII Jornades Tècniques Institut Guttmann "Brain Health for Life. Preventing Brain-Related Disability" 15th and 16th, December 2020

5 videos • 67 views • by Institut Guttmann Brain diseases represent a major global threat for human public health and the sustainability of human societies, representing already the main cause of disability throughout human life. One of four people in the world suffers from neurological, psychiatric, mental, and cerebral disabilities. In ten years, nearly 30% of a population of healthy adults aged between 40 and 65 will be diagnosed with a disabling brain disease. Short course Brain Health for Life. Preventing Brain-Related Disability, led by the scientific director of the Guttmann Brain Health Institute Álvaro Pascual-Leone and within part of the XXXII ed of the Technical Symposia of Institute Guttmann, presented the latest studies on brain health with top International researchers. #BrainHealth