Olympus Rangefinders

9 videos • 611 views • by Old Cameras Olympus Rangefinders Olympus made some very good rangefinders in the 60's and 70's. My personal favourite of these is the Olympus 35 RC. It's close relatives are the Olympus 35 SP, Olympus 35 RD and 35 EC. Another relative of note, and probably the most famous of the bunch is the Olympus Trip 35. #Olympus #Olympus35RC #Olympus35SP #Olympus35EC #OlympusTrip35 #OlympusTrip #OlympusXA #OlympusXA2 #OlympusXA4 #OlympusRangefinders #BelieveInFilm #Lomography #HowToShoot35mmFilm