JUNKHEAD The Spirit of 96: Santa Barbara the album

12 videos • 289 views • by Freezknotable/Metal Bunny Records JunkHeAd (1996) Raygun Records "Santa Barbara: Spirit of 96" Nick Francis........ Lead Guitar/vocals Brian Denninger...... Bass Guitar Ryan T Young...... Drums/vocals Kim Brewer...... Rhythm Guitar/Piano/vocals Produced by Henry "The Magic Man" Wallace for Music Box productions 1996. Recorded @ Dreyfuss Hall Monticino Cappuccino California December1995/January 1996 Mastered at The Music Box San Diego CA Capitol Records/Ray Gun/Funktional Recordings Uninvited ©(Francis)(v Nick) Lie in the bed I make* (Young/Francis) (v Ryan) Shimmer® (Young) (v Ryan) Believe * (Young/Francis) (v Ryan) Drawer* (Young/Francis) (v Nick/Ryan) Start With ® (Young) (v Ryan) If you could only see*(Young/Francis)(v Ryan) Cannon ◇(Young/Brewer) (v Kim) Wierd Me Out ©(Francis)(v Nick) Wash it away*(Young/Francis) (v Ryan) Clumsy ® (Young) (v Ryan) VH*(Young/Francis)(v Nick) Additional musicians Sarah Avalos Bass Guitar (Shimmer/Weird Me Out/Clumsy) Nolan Wadland Rhythm Guitar (Lie in the Bed I Make/Van Halen) © ® * ◇