Reefer Madness (aka Tell Your Children)
7 videos • 255 views • by hempdottv Most cannabis enthusiasts will have heard of this infamous movie! Reefer Madness is a darkly amusing propaganda film from 1936 with significant historical value. Even if you´re not into history this one is worth watching for its sheer over-the-top melodrama. Reefer Madness was produced very soon after ´marihuana´ was made illegal in the USA and it can be considered the grandfather of modern anti-cannabis propaganda. Seventy years later, its portrayal of cannabis and ´dope-fiends´ may seem too absurd to ever have been taken seriously, but anyone who pays attention to current state of prohibition will see some disturbing similarities between the melodrama and the modern media. Many of the same lies and distortions are still being presented to the public in the 21st Century, having been given only slight cosmetic changes or a light coating of pseudoscientific evidence.