Honey Kalaria Kundalini Yoga Alice Bailey Kriy Enlightenment

9 videos • 711 views • by Swami Satchidanand Honey Kalaria Kundalini Kriya Yoga Alice Bailey Enlightenment Kundalini Kriya Yoga 35 in eight parts Alice Bailey Enlightenment Satchidanand replies to Honey Kalaria about Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditati Kundalini Kriya Yoga Alice Bailey Enlightenment Satchidanand replies to Honey Kalaria about Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Enlightenment and The 7 Rays. The 3 mayor rays are: Ray 1: Ray of Will Ray 2: Ray of Love Ray 3: Ray of Knowledge Love + Knowledge = starting to get Will. Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Enlightenment. There needs to be a balance between Heart and Intellect - Rays 2 and 3. Oh people of the heart, when you have been hit so many times, your heart closes. Only the intellect can make you understand why you are being hit and keep your heart open. Oh people of the intellect, only the Heart can prevent you from using the Final Solution. No teaching is enough. Nothing is enough. The Unenlightened always defeat the Enlightened - Until they Don't. See the progress of the Energy Enhancement students Honey Kalaria and Dhiren in their 35 testimonials and sharings over two weeks from knowing nothing about meditation to having psychic vision and talking to their guides and Ascended Masters. Enlightened consciousness through Energy Enhancement Kundalini Chakra, Kundalini Kriya Yoga Website http://www.energyenhancement.org and Surya, Sun, Sirius and Avatar or Synthesis Kriya Yoga connection with the chakras above the head to initiate increased energy changes in the Brain and all the chakras in the Head. Practises including the creation of the Antahkarana, the removal of energy blockages through the seven step process, the Karma Cleaning Process and the Mastery of Relationships also The Alchemy of Transformation with Alchemical VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occulem Lapidem and the Taoist Five Elemental Circulations of the Ki including the Microcosmic Orbit, The Macrocosmic Orbit and the Supra Galactic Orbit to enable Nirbija Samadhi and Enlightenment. Satchidanand is considered an illumined living master and seer, and helps sincere practitioners of yogic meditation awaken to higher levels of consciousness, psychic Vision, and access to their guides and Ascended masters through chakra awakening andactivation in his Buddhafield using the techniques of Energy Enhancement. Satchidanand was born on October first 1952. He has been meditating since the age of 16, and spent his time learning Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, and Agnisar Kriya. Later he spent time with Zen Master Hogen of Japan and Swami Satchidananda Yogiraj and student of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh in whose presence he was transformed. The divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences in 1991, 1994 and 2002 with Yogiraj Swami Satchidananda. He has a wife of 17+ years, Devi Dhyani with whom he built the Synthesis of Light Ashram (Spiritual Retreat). Satchidanand teaches Energy Enhancement Meditation in 30 Initiations over one month, and by internet Streaming Video for the evolution of human consciousness and evolution. These perennial practices of Kriya Yoga, Alchemy and the Tao are the most ancient closely guarded sacred practices of Yogis and Spiritual Masters of all religions from time immemorial. They help the practitioner gradually transform him/herself towards Enlightenment and becoming themselves an Ascended Master. Today, Satchidanand in his Buddhafield demonstrates through his energy that Psychic Vision and Spiritual Experience are available for all and with in his own life and energetic Kundalini livingness and Shaktipat, that powerful spiritual practice can be integrated with family life and a career and the path of your Soul. By the blessings of the Avatar of Synthesis, Satchidanand teaches these techniques, which he collectively calls "Energy Enhancement" to sincere seekers throughout the world, who wish to integrate these practices into their daily life, without the necessity of giving up worldly pursuits. Let us not waste our time with complaining about the lack of peace on this Earth. Simply understand that all of the problems of the world are caused by a lack of enlightenment in all people. Simply, "They are not Enlightened!" As consciousness increases so all the problems of the world will disappear. Only then, with these Ancient Yogic Techniques will Earth Peace Herald the Dawn of the New Age, let us All remove the blockages from our hearts and minds so we can create our soul and realise enlightenment. Search youtube for tag.. swamisatchidanand for more information on the Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation.. These Energy Enhancement Techniques Increase Energy, Improve IQ, Remove Energy Blockages, Clean Karma, and Master Fantastic Relationships. The Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation, http://www.energyenhancement.org