Revival, A study of ; and A Plee for Prayer

46 videos • 746 views • by B Terry Revival or better yet. A study of Revival. Its just Inviting God in--------- not a program not anything man can do. Invite God in prayer and He WILL show up. He is a Good God He did not come to judge/condem the world, but through His Son save the world" john 3;17 remember? a Quote from The Introduction to St Basil. rederick Morgan, Essays on the Study and Use of Poetry by Plutarch and Basil the Great. In many respects this was the most trying period in the history of the early Church. Christians were no longer called upon to be martyrs, as had been the case a century before, but the wealth and prestige to which the Church had attained was impairing that simplicity which had made the Church of the first centuries so effective. As a result, many selfish and ambitious men were attracted to ecclesiastical service, and it was more difficult for even an unselfish man to lead a godly life. Moreover, the Church was divided into many warring factions, such as the Arians, the Semi-Arians, and the Sabellians, the Arians being especially determined and overbearing, because they had gained the support of the the roman emperor Valens. It is to the glory of Basil that at such a time he stood for the Apostolic ideals. revival from Webster is "to bring back from the dead' Pray untill something happens. So, on to the move's of God. It all starts with Prayer, Start Praying for revival,- however, whatever it looks like and whoever gets it, we want it. Start Praying---One person can do it. Two people can do it. ----- In your town get the denomanations together and pray. There is plenty for every one, when God shows up.--- Its not a program, or a system, its just God. Morvians Hebridean Azusa Street Welsh Brownsville Kentucky RandyClark EvenRoberts DLMoody BillySunday JohnWestley JohnErskin JohnathanEdwards WilliamCarey IsasicBackus PeterCartright JamesMcGrady JeremiaLampphier KScottLaturet 1727 1792 1858 1882 1904-5 1927 Toronto There has been more, in India, Australia, Europe,Usa,England,LatinAmerica RandyClark EvenRoberts DLMoody BillySunday JohnWestley JohnErskin JohnathainEdwards WilliamCarey IsasicBackus Movorians John Lenord Dober, a potter, David Nitschman, a Carpenter, sold themselvs into slavery, to preach to the slaves in the DutchWest Indies.........