Sam Adams Preaching
414 videos • 1,487 views • by RedeemedKJV Independence Baptist Church is a true New Testament church, under the sole headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and the sole authority of His word as preserved in the King James Bible. We endeavor to rightly divide and preach the whole counsel of God, whether popular or not, and we actively confront our culture with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days before our Lord's return. We believe that eternal life and salvation from the eternal penalty demanded for our sin is acquired only through faith in the blood of Christ, shed on the cross of Calvary in atonement for our sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was the perfect, virgin-born Son of God, God manifested in the flesh, who came to seek and to save that which was lost. After willingly offering Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all who would receive him, and suffering a cruel death in our place, the Lord Jesus arose bodily from the dead three days later, victorious over death, hell and the grave!