My Fave Viddies

13 videos • 18 views • by xxKunoichixTemarixx xxKxTxx's most dear and presious friends.[In No Order] Meg[AirixAram]-She's my real life best-friend.I love her so much and I don't know where I'd be without her. Ashy-sis[Ashyuchiha]-My most vibrant sister.I don't know what haveing siblings is like,so she's like an acctual big sister to me. Lily[tenten096]-I haven't talked with her in a bit,but she's so sweet. Sweet-chan[SweetAlexis08]-My sweetie.What more can be said? Cybie[Cyberblader2006]-I know I get on his nerves sometimes,but he's the nicest guy I've met. Yasi[Alexis994]-Would win in any book for sweetness and talent. Yuuki-chan[IchigoNyaNeko]-She's just one of those people who flatters me way too much. Niki-sama[Nikijoshilove]-A piece of my heart goes out to this girl.Bon Jovi buddz for life!! Emi[ZanexAlexis4ever]-She's been going through alot,but she's still so sweet to me. Ino-chan[Animegrlfan14]-I haven't talked with her in awhile either,but she makes me laugh. BabyB[Babybabiebabi]-She's so sweet and makes some awesome AMVs. Marshie[xEnchantedMarshie18x]-An amazing AMV maker and an amazing friend.Ino and Temari.Oppisets attract. CC-chan[TWTSAM95]-I luv this girl to pieces.Goat Girlies Rule!! Jady[JadyLaurens]-She's a sweetie with a heart of gold.She's so helpful when it comes to my work as a AMV nOOb. Rea-chan[samarasigns]-The HitsyHina queen.She's so dear to my heart.Dr.Pepper buddies!! Ash[ShadowSharingan101]-Can we say fangirl?? She's so good to me although she doesn't believe it. Favi[XxFavzchanxX]-She hasn't been on lately,but she's still special too me.Paramore + SasuSaku=WIN. Mary-chan[NarutoxSakura565]-Yet another person,I haven't talked to in a bit but,We shall be NaruSaku and TAPS buddz always. Ke-chan[YellowxKunoichixIno]-This girly know how to entertain me.She puts a smile on my face every time. Paws-chan[firespaws]-My first friend and she makes some bad-aligator KibaHina viddies. Vengie-chan[VengenceDemon123]-I love this girl to bits and bits.She's so sweet to me. You guys are the BEST!! You all make me wanna get on the computer,just so I can see comments from you all!You make me laugh,cry,and make me feel better about myself. I love each and everyone of you so much!! -group hugs- -reads info- Gawd,I'm soo cheesy!! XDD