Do the Harlem Shake

3 videos • 48,269 views • by ZANDOLYWOOD The story about Harlem Shake around the WORLD Top 100 Country (Amazing) Comment on your better Harlem Shake and invites your friends has to defend your country : Afghanistan, Alaska, Amsterdam, Angola, Antartica, Arizona, Australia, Bagdad,Bahamas, Balkan, Barbados,Bresil, Burkina, Call of duty, Canada, Central Valley, Chile, Colombie, Espana, Finlande, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guana, Haiti, Hawai, Holliwood, Illinois, Indonesia, Iowa, Iran, Irland,Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazahstan, Kentucky, Kenya, La reunion, Louisiana, Madagascar, Malaysia, Marocco, Martinique, Mexico, Miami, Michigan, Netherland, New York, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Prague, ,Ohio, Pakistan, Paris, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, San Antonio, Santa Cruz, Springfield, South Afrika, South Korea, Switerzland, Sweden, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uconn, Uganda, Uk, Ukraine, Utah, Vnezuela, Warcraft, Wisconsin, Zaire الهارلم شايك أمام وزارة التربية Do the Harlem Shake around the world !