
26 videos • 289 views • by BarabbasLove The only way a Holy Spirit filled born again believer can be possessed with a demon is if they commit the unforgivable sin ( Mark 3:28-29 + Hebrews 6:4-6 ) of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.. A reprobate is a person whom God aka Jesus has essentially turned his back on so that they no longer know right from wrong... thus you get "giving them over" (Rom 1:24,28) The toucheth (Job 2:3-7 + 2 Cor 12:7 "buffet" means to hit and also contumely which is to humiliate) him not promise in 1 John 5:18 has to be referring to Satan not (John 10:28 + 1 Cor 10:13) being able to enter the soul of a believer of Christ against their will. If a believer wants to follow Christ, Satan has no hold on them; however, John 10:28 should be read with the understanding that a believer of Jesus can jump out of his hands if (Rev 3:5) they want.. Long story short.. I will tell who Satan really is. Satan is nothing but a fast forward button. If left alone, a person (tare / Mt 13) would probably take 50 years of being a Christian to walk away from Christ, and with Satan in the picture he can get them to deny Jesus in 25 years. See my video ( Can God lie ? )... I am about to drop some really serious secrets ( Psalms 25:14, 92:5-6 Icebergs are bigger under the water, and the secrets of God are hidden - Isaiah 45:15 - with smaller things on the top) about Satan. Just as you have archangels in Heaven right now that are superior in authority to other angels, not all of us mortal orphans whom Jesus is in the process of adopting (Luke 20:36 You become a child of God when you are glorified, Mt 24:13, Rev 21:7 ) will have equal rank (Mt 25:14-30) when we are glorified. Think of your Heavenly body as the bread of a pizza, and the toppings: the cheese, tomato sauce, olives, pineapple, pepperoni, and peppers which turns your bread into a pizza as the extra rewards (Rev 22:12) that Jesus promised to give to those who will receive eternal life. Read 1 Cor 3:12-15 ("if" is the keyword) and look at the man in that scripture who I call a " doe Christian or a bread man" - he doesn't have any cheese on his pizza, no tomato sauce, or any kind of topping.. 80-90 percent of my doctrine are for "pie Christians or those who will get several slices with a complete topping"... If you are not going to get eternal life or if you are a "doe man or a doe woman", you will definitely not understand the secrets ( 1 Cor 13:2, 12:8 wisdom) God has shown me. Enough of that ... I am going to tell you the truth about Satan in this playlist. Satan does not have freewill ( Gen 3:14, 18:27, Job 4:19 the dust spoken of 3:14 is the soul of man, and the serpent symbolizes (Rev 12:9) Satan.. Long story short = After being evicted from Heaven, Satan tempted man without (Job 1:8) any prodding from the LORD, so God locked (Ecc 7:13+ Pro 16:4) him into that role for as long as he lives as a spirit. I don't believe it is fair to say God is making Satan be evil against his will, but the fact that there is nothing in the complete revelation of God (80 books of the 1611 KJV) that can be used to show that the fallen angels could repent and be redeemed by the blood of Jesus, it is fair to say that the devil is locked into the role of evil he had foolishly chose initially. Secret alert. Hell is a choice ~ (Isaiah 60:12, 65:20, 5:13-14 Jesus did not put the Jews in slavery so they could go to the lake of fire.. bingo = hell is slavery aka emotional turmoil = Jonah 2:2) ~ between the unsaved humans, unsaved Edomites and unsaved Jews being slaves to the redeemed Christians among the Jews, humans and Edomites or them choosing to die in a fiery death without eternal suffering. Isaiah 26:14 can only occur after Rev 20:11-14. Buckle up for another secret.. The fallen angels will also get to choose to be mortal (Isaiah 14:10) slaves or to die by fire as well. Buckle up twice : The humans and Edomites who are deceived by Satan in Rev 20:8 are worse than the devil who does not have freewill. These people see (Zec 8:23, 14:17) Jesus face to face and still knowingly choose Satan over Jesus. I will end with this. Lucifer did not have a devil to tempt him, and he and all the fallen angels opened the gift of freewill which should not have been opened. You are in denial if u don't know that if there was no Satan in the garden that eventually some descendant of Adam would have ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil . I believe God knowing this probably delayed Eve's conception without ordaining that she would be deceived by Satan. Eve made herself a sinner, but Adam brought the entire world into sin b/c the man is the giver of the spirit, and not the woman. God did not breathe into the woman (Gen 2:7) as he did w/ the man. Had Adam not sinned he would have had a child with his daughter to preserve the Holy seed, and that would have taken away the purpose of God manifesting in the flesh.