America is Babylon in prophecy

74 videos • 808 views • by BarabbasLove Let's play a game I will call " Lets be honest ". The three major "races" of people in America are Caucasians which have the largest population, Hispanics have the 2nd, and then the blacks or so-called "African Americans". To be fair to whites I will not give statistics to the white population or Hispanics because many Caucasians feel offended that Mexicans and other Hispanics register their race as white or white Hispanics. This is proof to what I am about to say. Buckle up.. If any of the three races, white, Hispanic or black had a choice to be born into any of the 3 aforementioned groups, I can bet you the last cookie in any bakery that Caucasians will always choose being white more than Hispanics or blacks will choose to be their own race. I don't care how much black & Hispanic men or women tell you that they are proud to be the race that God made them - deep down in the depths of their soul, they want to be white, and deep down in the depths of the souls of white folk they are glad that they are not black or Hispanic. It is not a sin, nor is it wrong for whites to love being white, but lets be honest. There is a reason Caucasians would rather be white than to be of color. They know in their hearts that people of color have it harder in this world, including in America. "Egypt" in prophecy does ( Rev 11:8 ) not have to be the land of the Pharaoh's, it can also mean "slavery" .. Exodus 20:2 " I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". Egypt is being called " A house of bondage" aka " a house of slavery". This same " House of bondage reference to Egypt is repeated in Exodus 13:3,14 / Deu 5:6, 6:12, 8:14, 13:5,10 / Joshua 24:17 and Judges 6:8 .. The "house of bondage" means Egypt and Egypt means "house of bondage" = A+B = B+A.. Since Egypt means "House of bondage" or slavery, the prophecy which foretells of the Jews returning into Egypt again in Deu 28:68 [ this prophecy happened on a small scale around 63 AD when Titus, the commander of the Roman Army and son of Vespasian, Emperor of Rome sent a few thousand Jews to Egypt to work in the copper mines as slaves, however, Job 11:6 teaches that the secrets of "wisdom" are double. Double or doubling also means "deceitful" / the Bible are a book of laws which is ( Deu 4:5-6 ) its own wisdom, therefore the prophecies of the Bible can repeat themselves or even be "not obvious" to the carnal mind which it deceives. ] does not have to only apply to the land of the Pharaoh's.. Turn your U.S American one dollar bill over to show the back of the currency.. What do you see ? Well, what do you know ? I see a pyramid... America is also Egypt in prophecy. The two witnesses of Rev 11:8 are not just two literal men, but are symbolic for the two houses ( 1 Kings 11:9-13, 12:20 / Ezekiel 37:1,11,16-17 ) of Israel after they broke into two kingdoms during the reign of Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. Judah ( Jeremiah 50:17 + 2 Kings 17:6,18 ) did not go into the Assyrian captivity, only the 11 tribes of Israel while ( Jer 20:4 ) the 11 tribes of Israel did not go into Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon - only the tribe of Judah. Put on your thinking cap... If Judah and the 11 tribes were not in slavery together at the same time as I have just shown in Jeremiah 20:4, why does Jeremiah 50:33 speaks of them being oppressed in Babylon together ? Because the Babylon of Jeremiah 50:33 is the mystery one of Revelation 18:4... Keep your thinking cap on.. Would God put the Jews in ancient Egypt as slaves to prosper over & oppress the Egyptians, or would he put them in Egypt to be oppressed ? He put them in slavery to be slaves ( Ps 105:25,23 ) , not to be the masters . It was their slavery, their oppression, not the Egyptians.. Same logic of thinking which applies to the Egyptian captivity ( slavery / the Bible doesn't use slavery, it uses "CAPTIVITY" ) applies to the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek or Roman captivity. *** I am not making this stuff up..... Read any Bible theologians theories of why America is not Babylon, and you will find this as the sole reason they believe America is not Babylon. Rev 17:6, 18:20,24... = Babylon has oppressed the Jews, and they can not recall any time in history in which the United States has oppressed the Caucasian people in Israel who claim ( Rev 2:9, 3:9 / Isaiah 44:5 ) to be the literal anatomical descendants of Jacob, not just people who adhere to the faith of Abraham through conversion , but the people whose physical fathers walked through the Red Sea with Moses. I kid you not. The Bible theologians will admit that America fits all the major signs of Babylon, but they stumble on it being the literal physical location of mystery Babylon. GUESS WHAT ? REV 2:9,3:9