Spiritual Babylon ( Rev 17:5 R.C.C + P.C )

59 videos • 177 views • by BarabbasLove R.C.C = Roman Catholic Church / P.C = Protestant Church Isaiah 21:9 + Rev 14:8 ( Fallen twice which proves there are two of them ) There are two mystery Babylon's - one is a spiritual Babylon and the other is a location ( America / Rev 18 ) . A mystery [ Strong's # G3466 ] in a nutshell is something not known to everyone. God has to reveal to you the identity of the two mystery Babylon's. All the Bible knowledge you can ascertain from reading will not open this mystery of what religion is mystery Babylon. Once you've come to the understanding that the Jews are a scattered ~ ( Jeremiah 50:17, 31:27 "not human, but WITH humans" / Daniel 2:43 / Ezra 9:2 ) ~ angelic seed of people who on the outside appear to be human, but are not - then you would recognize that at most a proper studying of the scriptures will identify the race of the people whom Jesus would use to hide ( Psalms 83:3 "hidden" ) the children of Israel among. The same way God hid Moses among African ( Egyptian ) people, he did the same ( Zephaniah 3:10 / Luke 21:21 ) thing to the Jews after the nation of Israel fell as a nation in 70 AD.. Read your Bible with understanding concerning the race of the Jews.. The Jews were constantly being mistaken [ Genesis 42:7-8 / Exodus 2:5-10,16-19 / Acts 21:37-38 ] as Egyptians, and King David tried to fool an African Canaanite into thinking that his adulterous pregnant wife was carrying his child, and not the King's - that would only make sense if David and Uriah were of the same race. Uriah was a Hittite, a son of Heth ( Strong's # H2845 / Genesis 10:15 + 2 Samuel 11:5, 11-13 read the whole chp ).. Once it is apparent that the original Jews are Negro's then you have to look at the false religions God ( Deu 28:64 ) says he would plague the children of Israel with. No two religions have been used to enslave blacks more than Islam and Christianity. Matthew 24:5 excludes Islam as being a viable candidate for Mystery Babylon.. Islam does not proselytize in "Jesus name" as do Christianity.. One more thing... Islam does not have children, where as the Protestant Church was born ( Rev 17:5 "mother and daughter ) of the Catholic Church... Islam has sects, but there still basically the same religion but the same thing can not be said of how radically different the Catholic Church and her protestant daughters are. Catholics and Protestants do not worship the same God. If you find a honest born again Holy Spirit filled believer who is not afraid to tell the truth at the expense of being rejected by the herd, they will admit that the Catholic Church is infested in idolatry and has to be the whore of Babylon... Well how can you call the Catholic Church the whore of Babylon and not look at Rev 17:5 which says she is a mother.. Who are the children of the Whore of Babylon ? Not Islam.. Islam did not beget the Protestant Church... The Protestant Church was begotten by the Catholic Church... Martin Luther the German Catholic priest ( 1483-1546 ) who began the Christian reformation and in whom the Luther Church is named after would have to be the gentiles version of a Moses type of figure who led the people away from the mother Catholic Church who was over taken by idolatry..