2007 - This Is Civilisation ep.2

6 videos • 3,277 views • by CollingsShrine Episode 2 - Feelings The programme focuses on two great 18th century artists who, in diametrically opposed ways, expressed this new sense of human potential in their art -- the French painter Jacques-Louis David, and the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. David was a revolutionary, who became the official propagandist of the French Revolution and whose name is on the death warrant for the French King. Goya experienced the bloody aftermath of the Revolution in Spain. David's art is all about the nobility of man, our higher aspirations. Goya explores our baser side, our darker fears, our murderous drives. Together they're what Collings calls 'the yin and yang of feeling'. Freed to express itself, humanity can be great -- but it can also be monstrous. It's a revelation whose consequences we're still living with today. This is a film about how art shows us our own humanity -- and about how we might not always like what we see there.