GM lots deserted, because no EV1

6 videos • 58 views • by liveoilfree GM sneers at existing NiMH battery car drivers, ignoring even the GM 1999 NiMH EV1 experience, dismissing it as "60 to 70 mile range" and claiming "few sales for them". In light of GM's writeoff of $39B in non-cash potential earnings, formerly carried on the books as an asset, GM seems to admit that it won't have enough profits near-term against which to take its huge prior losses. Considering GM's deteriorating situation, the apparent lack of visibility on financials, and its putrid product offering, one wonders if the reason Lutz is willing to make all these promises about the VOLT is because he's got his doubts GM will be around when they come due. GM is singularly poorly positioned to take advantage of high gas prices and rising demand for oil-free or high mpg cars. GM's 2005 "hybrid" pickup, with about 4000 in sales, was quietly discontinued recently, to gear up for the equally insipid "two-mode" pickup system. An article from the L.A. Times (11/11/07) points out the relatively empty showrooms for GM (the Times reporter was kicked off the GM lot and failed to find even one GM customer; I had similar experiences on four videotaped visits to GM dealers) . Recall that GM once had a car that was in great demand, with a fan club, a waiting list, and people prepared to wait in the rain for 28 days for the faint chance of being allowed to buy one. Now, GM has nothing. And Lutz is ignoring the past history of the EV1, ignoring the existing oil-free cars, and pandering to the ignorant. No one is allowed to brace Lutz with the facts, with the truth, or with real, running EVs.