9/11 was an Inside Job

37 videos • 2,348 views • by seraphic presence We all know the official story of September 11th: four jetliners were hijacked by groups of four and five Arabic men armed with box cutters, who proceeded to fly three of the four jets into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Subsequently the World Trade Center Towers, weakened by the impacts and fires, collapsed into piles of rubble. The FBI had compiled a list of hijackers within three days, and it was so obvious that Osama bin Laden had masterminded the operation from caves in Afghanistan, that there was no need to seriously investigate the crime or produce evidence. The "retaliatory" attack on the Taliban would soon commence. Is this story true? Its central assumptions have never been tested by an official government body whose members lack obvious conflicts of interest. There are numerous red flags in the official story, which requires a long series of highly improbable coincidences. Questioning that story is an act of responsible citizenship. September 11th, 2001 is widely considered one of the most important days in American history. Although it is arguable how much really has changed since that day, references to it as the "event that changed everything" are ubiquitous, particularly among apologists for the theft of civil liberties, vanishing government accountability, and international aggression. Given the importance of September 11th, the many unexplained events of that day have received an incredibly scant amount of serious scrutiny. Investigations have been unfunded and severely limited. Mainstream media simply glossed over the slow-motion response by the nation's air defense system, the inexplicable crumbling of three skyscrapers, and absurdities in the Pentagon strike story. Media did cover intelligence failure stories, thereby avoiding the central issues. The normal procedure to discover the truth about any crime involves asking these two questions. -- Who benefited from the crime? -- Who had the capacity to carry out the crime? Every legitimate investigation of a crime asks these questions. Answers are used to obtain a list of suspects. These questions were not publicly asked following the attack. Instead, Osama bin Laden was identified within hours as the mastermind, and media and official sources steadfastly ridiculed suggestions that responsibility reached beyond bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and -- in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq -- Sadam Hussein. Anomalous Indications of Foreknowledge Pre-attack put option surges anticipated post-attack stock declines: - Put/call ratios on American Airlines and United Airlines stock increased five-fold and twenty-fold. High officials avoided the attack targets: - John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial. - Salman Rushdie, Willie Brown, and Pentagon officials were warned not to fly on the eve of the attack. - On 9/11/01 Warren Buffett, an investor in unmanned aerial vehicle maker MITRE, hosted a breakfast meeting of WTC CEOs at Offutt AFB, where President Bush later landed that day. The World Trade Center & Pentagon were anticipated terrorist targets: War game scenarios targeted the WTC and Pentagon. The use of jetliners as weapons was anticipated. Military's Non-Response The official story posits a long series of improbable failures: The official timelines blame the FAA for inexplicably long delays in notifying the military, after originally claiming to have been notified sooner but without specific locations. - Jets were not scrambled from nearest bases. - Jets in the air were not vectored to intercept jetliners. - According to NORAD and 9/11 Commission timelines, military jets flew at small fractions of their top speeds. - Claims that hijacked jetliners couldn't be tracked contrasts with ability of the FAA to land over 4000 aircraft at different destinations in two hours. At least four simultaneous war game exercises were being conducted on 9/11/01: - a NRO exercise involved a plane-crash-into-building scenario. - Operations Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian used scenarios involving hijacked passenger planes. - After presiding over the worst air defense failure in US history, the commander of NORAD, head of the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary of Defense were awarded with promotions and budget increases. --- --- --- The events on 9/11 need a new & independent investigation to bring the responsible parties to justice. The 9/11 commission report is government-sanctioned conspiracy theory. Much of the evidence has been destroyed, but The Truth will prevail, as whistleblowers come forward, the remaining evidence uncovered and the masses awaken to realize the present we're living in was thought-up, planned and executed by those running the shadow government. Join us & we can stop them. Restore the constitution, bill of rights and a government that will be held accountable by The People.