Whiplash type sports and car related injuries
20 videos • 4,505 views • by MedicalMassage-edu Channel Whiplash injury occurs as a result of rear end car collisions or at the time of sports activities; being hit/pushed from rear with force. Due to whiplash a person can sustain multiple region injuries such as pain in neck and upper back, shoulder, chest and other regions, could experience severe headaches and many other painful symptoms. This type of severe sprain strain injuries, in many cases leads to partial or even total rotator cuff tears, multiple level of disk herniathions, rib rotation, acute inflammations. If not addressed appropriately, these injuries could become chronic inflammation, which with time can cripple a person. But even with no so significant structural damages, this type of soft tissue injuries must be addressed by adequate treatment, that includes myofacial release techniques, trigger point therapy, ice and cold applications, post-isometric relaxation techniques, lymph drainage for lymphedema size management and more. Otherwise with time one can develop not proportional to age osteoarthritis, as well as other degenerative not reversible diseases of spine and joints. At this series of videos, Boris teaching how to assess injuries and proposes hands-on techniques, on all painful areas. These techniques were scientifically and clinically proven to be safe and effective. Boris also stresses, why not to use painkillers, non-steroid and steroids anti-inflammatory drugs only, but also to incorporate proposed methodology and address real causes of pain, as well as to prevent speeding developments of degenerative diseases that age us. Prevention of and slowing down osteoarthritis developments, and prevention of developments of other spinal and joints degenerative diseases, is a real anti-aging effort. Advil, Tylenol, Celebrex and other drugs play their role, but not actually address pain causes that Boris explaining in details, as well teaching what to do in such cases.