Detroit techno done proper... mixed in Detroit

5 videos • 407 views • by Detroitologist Detroit can be a heaven or a hell. The techno music scene of the mid 90's made it a heaven. In a city that was largely void of life you could go the the darkest corners in the middle of the night and find life. It was a bizarre experience beyond the dj's or the music. The music industry can easily copy the techno sound. Nothing can recreate what was happening in the nighttime world of Detroit. Techno is not a style of music. Mixing records was an opportunity to express the dichotomy of life in Detroit... of light vs darkness, corporate greed vs small-scale culture, prosperity and evolution vs mismanagement and corruption, and all those conflicts that left Detroit a modern day battleground. I'd like to send huge thank you to Dae... for the many weekends spent wandering the wreckage of Detroit's grand industrial past, and for dragging our sorry-ass equipment and crates of records to all those house parties for the love of music and partying. And as one of the most heavy-hitting architectural students UodD.