Swiss Made

30 videos • 2 views • by QUICK MOVIES NEWS Swiss Made Playlist 🎶Genre: Pop 🎸Secondary Genre: Pop, Hip-Hop/Rap, Dance 🌈Moods: ✦BLUE ✦DARK ✦WARM ✦ROMANTIC ✦PEACEFUL 📚Catalog: frontline 🏆Top 5 songs: Mibsy - Sans Toi, Naomi Lareine - Stranger, Remady - Playlist, Amaya Gloor - Warrior, ZIAN - Sorry This playlist is updated daily with the latest and freshest tracks. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contribute. Thank you for listening! 🎤Top 3 artist: Mibsy, Naomi Lareine, Remady #SwissMade,#Mibsy, #NaomiLareine, #Remady, #AmayaGloor, #ZIAN,#SansToi, #Stranger, #Playlist, #Warrior, #Sorry