Catholic Exorcism Prayer: (First Aid for the Soul)

3 videos • 14,873 views • by lexluces ELISHA (God Saves). Please READ THIS CAREFULLY. ***This video is not a substitute for the actual "deliverance of the soul of the human being" conducted by the Catholic Church through the Clergy. However, if the person watching this video believes with all his heart without reservations or any doubt regarding the "Power of God" to set him free from the bondage of sins, temptations, the influences and works of the devil. Then, in honesty and good faith perhaps this Catholic Exorcism Prayer might serve as a "first aid" for those who are indeed suffering from diabolical oppression, obsession, possession, and infestation. The voice behind the Exorcism Rite was Fr. Arellano and the Latin Prayer used was "RITUALE ROMANUM DE EXORCISMIS ET SUPPLICATIONIBUS QUIBUSDAM (Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Ecumenici Concilii Vaticani II Instauratum) Auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II Promulgatum). 2004 Edition of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. *Thank you for watching this video. May God and his angels protect you and everyone in your family. God Bless!