Orientalism as a Tool of Colonialism - Edward Said

1 videos • 3,146 views • by withDefiance A four part YouTube-lecure with Edward Saïd about Orientalism as the 'Western' perception of the 'Orient' (North-Afrika, Middle-East to east Asia). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Said http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Said "Edward Said is the late world famous Palestinian intellectual and literature critic. He was a prominent member of the Palestinian parliament-in-exile for 14 years until he quietly stepped down in 1991. In 1948, Said and his family were dispossessed from Palestine and settled in Cairo. He came to the United States to attend college and lived in New York for many years. Because of his advocacy for Palestinian self-determination and his membership in the Palestine National Council, Said was not allowed to visit Palestine until several years ago and passed away in 2003. The late Edward Said was a professor of English and comparative literature, known as both a scholar of modern literature and theory as well as a scholar of Middle East politics. He also authored the groundbreaking book Orientalism, a seminal evaluation of Western misperceptions of the East (Muslim Orient), which set the stage for post-colonial studies. Other works include the Question of Palestine, Culture and Imperialism and the Politics of Dispossession.": http://electronicintifada.net/bytopic... Islam Through Western Eyes: http://www.thenation.com/doc/19800426... Orientalism as a Tool of Colonialism (by Simon Beckel): http://citizentrack.blogspot.com/2007... http://fusion.dalmatech.com/~admin24/...