四千金 《儿童乐园1》 (1998)

24 videos • 100,629 views • by fourgoldenprincessmv Children's Wonderland 1 兒童樂園 1 This is the longest-running and extremely popular series from the Four Little Golden Princesses. As you watch, you will see the girls grow up right before your eyes; from tiny 7-8 year olds in Volume 1 to big 12 year olds. Their singing style has also changed with their age from singing children songs to school folk songs and original compositions. 這是四千金最長和最受歡迎的專輯。你們可以看到四千金漸漸的長大﹔ 由小小七/八歲到現在的十二歲少女。她們的歌曲也跟著他們成長﹐唱兒歌轉變到唱學校民謠和原創歌曲。