14 videos • 64 views • by SiCoFgOvErNmEnT WHO'S RIGHT, I DON'T THINK ANYONE WILL BE FOR SURE! But I will believe someone who spends their life learning our biology of the world, and more. Then some whack job with a book telling me god knows what's good your the world, and that if i don't believe i will go to hell! That sounds a lot like our government today! Not in those exact words, but they do threaten people all the time! I'm sick of it, and you need to be aware of the truth! Any rational person can't believe in some fairy tale like the bible.. I'm sorry, but if you do your a nut job, that can't deal with life on your own! And you make fun of my way of life! Which is recreational use of marijuana! Then I have to hear your religious leader tell me why pot should remain illegal!! This fucking world is just a bullshit hyprocritical asswhipe sucking dick fuck! Yeah i said a bunch of cuss words in a row. I got turrets or something!! HaHA!~