Real Cities

30 videos • 6,892 views • by RuniTravel Cities - The Real... - BBC Travel Documentaries provided my "real Cities..." playlist that looked at major cities around the world, including Rio, Cairo, Hong Kong, Beirut and many more... The incredible part is that no-one in this community bothered looing into it. I've updated the page with more cities like Berlin, Istanbul, New York, Buenos Aires Digital Content Agency and content partners provided multi-media content and services for the BBC World News series The Real, including, titles and incidental music, images and photographs, website design, build and hosting, domain name management and renewal, article and image editing and formatting, cloud services... Chances are you have watched BBC World News on your travels while staying in a hotel, or sitting on a plane. If so, there is a good chance you have seen an episode from the BBC World News TV series, 'The Real'. Presenters on The Real take the viewer on an exploration of major cities finding unusual locations that tourists rarely see. For more information, see .