Wind Waker (2009)

34 videos • 25,687 views • by Palisagrus Power Hour (Content warning: This LP is from 2009. Some of the jokes are outright gross and we are really not proud of that. We're really sorry for all the offensive or uncomfortable things we said back then!) Ambisagrus is a high-strung teen hanging on the edge of tomorrow. A Wooden Palisade is a funloving ladypirate with extraordinary talent. Find out what happens when these two personalities collide on the high seas of Hyrule in this breathtaking adventure of a lifetime! "A timeless classic," raves Ambisagrus's grandmother. "The one that started it all," claims Ambisagrus. "I love this guy," claims Ambisagrus again. This was our first voice LP, and the first LP A Wooden Palisade was involved in.