YUKI Soundtrack

9 videos • 2,111 views • by ARVORE YUKI is an upbeat mix of the bullet-hell and roguelike genres in VR, set in an incredible anime universe. Step into the wild imagination of a child and fly through multidimensional worlds holding the action figure of her favorite character, Yuki, the Space Ranger. Groove to the sound of mesmerizing music as you maneuver through each of the spellbinding levels while blasting the evil Yokaliens away. Buy the game Oculus: https://ocul.us/3s8lmOA Steam: https://bit.ly/2VIOQGk Listen to the entire soundtrack! ⏮⏪️⏯️⏩️⏭ 01 - Trouble in the City of Wonders https://youtu.be/u0NmlqpyuK0 02 - A Threat From Beneath https://youtu.be/K8exAcp2xsI 03 - Under the Watchful Eye https://youtu.be/CJ1ymR6gCgM 04 - Dance of the Shadow Cats https://youtu.be/84FhnDTpMlg 05 - Into the Forsaken Hills https://youtu.be/6vDZ5vbeE4w 06 - Once the Bells Strike, Chaos https://youtu.be/JV_f1MJDQS4 07 - Daydreaming https://youtu.be/fVTb0FW6-qE 08 - POD's Workshop https://youtu.be/SjeGFeZnvkk 09 - Kimi & Yuki https://youtu.be/8PNPiYtA8cA YUKI Soundtrack is composed by Diogo Rodrigues Follow us on social media Discord: https://discord.gg/AZ8fjvuzhc Twitter: https://twitter.com/yukivrgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yukivrgame