La Musique d'Espace et Temps avec Batterie et Basse

194 videos • 4,057 views • by tom d La música ambiental del espacio y el tiempo . . . . Ambient music of space and time. . . . ahora la buena forma de yt ha vuelto, así que es la vez para la música sobresaliente desde el Acidizer69 y el maestro Mike Carss (aka Altus) y el Chron Man de Free Floating Music y el Raver Jedi y el y Piotrek Czyński y el 9EricCN3 de quien ha compartido los muchos álbumes excelentes . . . . y también hay el DJ Dimsa que ha hecho las muchas mezclas y algún de eso suck, pero otros de estos tienen las cualidades de la música del espacio, así, en una chica mente con una menor fuerte . . . y a decir de la música que sucks, en esta lista tiene muchos vídeos desde purerelaxmusic or some fucking name like that with implications of teevee and ad revenue and other disgusting practices common to some of the retards who have made youtube a much different experience than it was 7 years ago, but some of the purerelaxmusic videos have music that is good for a quiet background and their videos even have different compositions para un video y no soló tiene un loop que ve sobre y sobre y sobre y sobre, pero vosotros tenía algunas música que es ok . . . muchas gracias a estos generalissimos de la música de las ambientaciones del espacio y el tiempo . . . . sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the music of a video and the ambient sounds in the world's largest conurbation, but so what, at least something is playing and those annoying reminders of youtube format being in perpetual beta mode vanish . . . pero hay some genuinely perverted freaks who've uploaded hour long videos that contain eight (8!!!) commercial messages which means having a commercial every 7 or 8 minutes. there is no video worth watching that has 8 commercial interruptions in one hour. and the people who have uploaded those videos should be called 12 times every morning between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. by telemarketers. forever. the people who are trying to turn youtube into teevee are very wrong and very stupid. there are always alternatives. i quit watching teevee 8 years ago because i got sick of having my intelligence insulted and hearing strangers screaming in the living room. jesus, it was like being at my aunt rosie's on a sunday afternoon when the whole brood were present . . . no wonder i treasure solemn sounds and serene solitude . . . .