Climate Change: The Whole Enchilada

32 videos • 910 views • by ItsRainmakingTime Since October 2009, It's Rainmaking Time!™ has been conducting a formal inquiry into all aspects of climate change in order to gain an understanding of climate science beyond political or financial agendas. This exhaustive study into the nature of climate, the intricacies of the processes involved in climate change, countless inputs into the global climate system, and the politics behind climate change, has yielded a well-informed perspective that is not in harmony with the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory. First and foremost, we wish to stress how important it is to perform your own inquiry instead of relying on the alleged expertise of educational and government institutions. We invite you to trace the steps of our journey through this controversial topic, and encourage you to download and share these shows with your friends, family, and loved ones. Knowledge is power! Guests include Dr. Tim Ball, Robert Felix, Joe D'Aleo, Piers Corbyn, Dr. Sherwood Idso, Lord Viscount Christopher Monckton, Patrick Moore, Mitch Taylor, Lawrence Solomon, Nils-Axel Morner, and G. Edward Griffin.