Revolutionary City's Guide to the American Revolution

6 videos • 66 views • by USWGO Presented by USWGO I film the August 20 2010's special event in Revolutionary City in Colonial Williamsberg Virginia (VA). This is a representation of what happened back then in 1776. Also you may notice that the American Revolutionists say the term HaZa well it is what term they were using back then. Also few parts may have a weird candy wrapper noise but at the time I was trying to record using two cameras which one has failed so I put one away to use the High Definition Camera. Throughout part 1 to part 6 you will see the Revolutionaries declare that they want Independence from Great Britain for freedom, to declare the Declaration of Independence, to the betrayal lead by Benedict Arnold to persuade the thirteen colonies to not take up arms against the King of Britain, to a preacher saying that he will not be apart of the states church and that we need a Separation from church and state, to the part where slaves decide to fight for freedom as well, to the ending where a French ally tells the American people that we will be lead to victory for freedom and break away from Britain. This video and all 6 parts will guide you through 1776 and the emotions people had went through during the Revolution but the people were not going to give up even though some thought of joining the side of Britain. Benedict Arnold like Barack Obama persuaded people that the Government was not against them or too powerful even though that was a lie, and that the King (Obama) has granted the request of freedom and hardly any taxes as long as people swear an Oath of loyalty to the King of Britain even though there's a chance the King (Obama) can simply prevent another uprising in the future and then oppress the people again. So the people did not accept Benedict Arnold's betrayal and instead the people went on with their Revolution to free themselves from British rule and the country became the United States of America.