Advent Concert 2016

25 videos • 2,636 views • by St. Mary's OCA Minneapolis St. Mary's Cathedral Choir presents: Glory to God in the Highest An Orthodox Advent Concert, December 10, 2016. This evening's concert offers a glimpse of the Christmas services as celebrated in the Orthodox Church, along with a selection of traditional carols, all which commemorate the feast of our Lord, Jesus Christ's Nativity. Our concert opens with a pre-festal hymn intoned by a canonarch (or soloist) sung in the weeks before Christmas, presenting the prophetic foreshadowing found in the Old Testament, announcing the coming of Christ. This is followed by four hymns from the festal Compline (or 'after the evening meal' service) which continue the theme of announcing that "god is with us," using verses from the prophet Isaiah and hymns written in the 4th century to help us understand the mystery of Christ's incarnation – and that by God becoming human, we might have a path towards salvation from sin and death. The two middle hymns – the troparion and kontakion – describe the events of the Nativity. As festal theme songs, these two hymns are known and sung by the faithful numerous times during the Christmas season. These hymns are followed by seven hymns from the festal Matins (or 'morning' service) which include a popular 20th century setting of Psalm 134 and 135 based on an ancient chant motif, the festal magnification which is a hymn of adoration addressed to God for His mercy and love, and then a hymn which is sung after the gospel reading during matins which expounds on the reading itself. During matins, a series of eight hymns called the Kanon relate Old Testament themes to the feast, the choir will sing the first two, followed by a hymn traditionally sung at sunrise, called the hymn of light – identifying Christ as the light of the world. While the Christmas liturgy includes some of the hymns from the vigil service, we next feature a hymn which celebrates the special role of the Virgin Mary – as Theotokos, or birth-giver of God – we magnify her in song as she prophetically proclaimed 'All generations shall call me blessed.' We then sing a version of the communion hymn for Christmas, which features a triple 'Alleluia' refrain – intended to be sun by all present, join us! After a very brief transition, the concert moves from liturgical hymns to carols beginning with one dedicated to St. Nicholas, a fourth century bishop and saint who is known and loved for his generosity, compassion, and strong defense of the Orthodox Faith. This song is followed by selections which reflect the diverse backgrounds of our community's members – American, Eastern European, and a little bit from everywhere else. If you're looking for a place to celebrate Christmas, we'd love for you to join us. No matter your background, the message of Christmas is filled with joy that god has become human so that we may receive Him into our lives with the promise of ultimately, eternal life in His Kingdom. St. Mary's choir is excited to present this concert and we hope you enjoy it.