Genesis Era Academy ENG

9 videos • 70 views • by Genesis Era The question of whether a Christian can believe in evolution is quite similar to the question of whether a Christian can believe the Bible about the history of mankind. What is the Bible all about? Is it true and factually accurate account of the history of the world, nature, and mankind as it really happened, or is it just a poetic metaphor and unscientific ancient myth that does not address the real history nor the true origin of the universe? Is this belief in the biblical creation a matter of salvation? Can the Bible and evolution (theory of evolution) be merged into one scientifically tenable model? Was Jesus Christ an evolutionist or at least theistic evolutionist? We asked these and other questions world's leading scientists, theologians, and missionaries, and their answers were remarkably consistent. Is this just a coincidence? Take a look and judge for yourself! Bodie Hodge, MS - engineer, well-known science popularizer and Bible scholar from one of the world's largest missionary organizations 'Answers in Genesis', John Bradshaw - pastor, missionary, theologian and director of 'It Is Written Ministries', former popular Australian radio presenter, David Menton, MD, Ph.D. - Biologist, anatomist, Associate Professor Emeritus from Washington University School of Medicine who has dedicated his life to spreading the biblical truth of our origins, Shawn Boonstra - pastor, missionary, theologian and director of 'Voice of Prophecy Ministries', Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D. - Biologist, researcher, PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard, Doug Batchelor - Pastor, missionary, theologian, son of an American millionaire who met Christ as a poor hermit and then dedicated his life to Him, Mark Looy - a lifelong passionate advocate of the biblical creation model who, along with Dr. Ken Ham, founded one of the largest missionary organizations in the world, 'Answers in Genesis', Mark A. Finley - Pastor, missionary, theologian, who has dedicated his life to spreading the message of Christ in many countries around the world, Mark is the Vice President of the General Conference of the Worldwide Adventist Church, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Ph.D. - historian specializing in the history of geological, paleontological and archaeological sciences, theologian and world-renowned expert on the question of the long ages and the origin of the Earth, Dr. et Mgr. Ted N. C. Wilson, Ph.D. - Pastor, theologian and the president of the Worldwide Adventist Church, - You can find more exclusive content on our website - Movies, documentaries, animated stories for children and other short movies in Czech language for all members of our exclusive Genesis Era Club - make Your free registration here - You can find us on FB in Czech language at or at instagram - Try also our Czech podcasts on Apple podcasts platform at About the Genesis Era project We believe that free speech and freedom of access to information is a fundamental right of every human being. That's why we started this project - to offer a space full of inspiring content to all open minded souls. Our motto is "Science and faith without prejudice". Our team of experts, scientists, philosophers and theologians put the conventional evolutionary paradigm into an in-depth analysis and critical evaluation along with all kinds of materialism, atheism and agnosticism, as well as the traditional views of our origin and history, like for example the biblical creation model, theistic evolution, day-age theory and many others. Truth is worth pursuing. #genesiseraacademy #genesisera