The Law of Nations: BOOK ONE (Series)
24 videos • 12,998 views • by History is Now: Publishing The Law of Nations is one of the most fundamental books a person should be aware of. Have you seen in the United States Constitution where it states clearly that they will "punish piracies on the high seas, AND all offensese against THE LAW OF NATIONS". It would behoove you to know what offends the Law of Nations don't you think! For all those people looking into the legal "GURU'S".....This is your first question to any of them... Have you read the Law of Nations? or, How does what you are doing fit into the Laws of Nations? IF you cannot get a straight or direct answer from them, RUN. They will only get you in trouble and waste your time, money, resources, and energy. I have seen it happen too many times to individuals around me. This is an in depth series and because of the nature of this work, I am going to provide a link to the website you need to be on to help you UNDERSTAND what is in the law of nations and how it applies to you. To read the LAW OF NATIONS (Preliminaries) directly -- Don't forget to like our Facebook Page!