Drills, Training, Exercises, World Events/News: FEMA/DHS/Fusion Ctr. Domestic Asymmetrical Coordination, foreign = NATO, Allies, Strategic Alliances

2285 videos • 552 views • by 131kimber Military/Pentagon/DoD, NSA, CIA, FBI, FEMA/DHS, Police, Fire & Rescue, select Civilians (informants, undercovers, private security contractors, private investigators, community groups) are united under Homeland Security as a Joint Task Force. Also known as the Federalized Security Forces. Drills, Exercises, Training, Simulations become - real. Real People, Real Impacts/Events, Real Lives. Covert Crimes are being committed by those who are suppose to protect & serve - while others are still arrested for same said crimes. They STILL Hide, lie and deny what they are up to. Doesn't sound like a drill nor a exercise to me. FYI: J.A.D.E. Helm and Robin Sage Military Yearly exercises/drills/training (publicized in 2016) are Guerilla Warfare - Urban, Suburban and Rural using AI autonomous Weapon Systems and Joint Task Forces (Asymmetrical Warfare)