Military Weapons,1033 Program: FEMA/DHS/Fusion Ctrs/NATO, AI autonomous Full Spectrum waveform warfare, Asymmetrical Joint Coordinated Task Forces

4171 videos • 3,602 views • by 131kimber Asymmetrical Joint Coordinated Task Forces - merging local, state, federal entities, Intelligence Agencies and Armed Forces as a "defense" both domestic and foreign. Unified Tactics, Techniques, AI weapon systems, smart weapons, data collection, as a Militarized Security/Attack Force Strange how this setup has been established and executed into practice or policy EVERYWHERE In EVERY NATION & COUNTRY on this Earth. What ever is going on, its global and its a PROBLEM!!!! Each Nation/Country has taken care of 1). their own Population Biometric Databases, 2). their own Networked Surveillance Systems on land, from sea and those in the skies with Domain Awareness Systems (DAS) 3) coordination of their own united Security Forces integrated with Military forces called Asymmetrical Warfare 4) coordination between their own domestic security forces and those of their foreign Allies - be it NATO, the UN, or another ie: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea Each Nation's AI autonomous systems and databases when brought TOGETHER - covers the GLOBAL POPULATION on Earth and just about everything else that lives upon it - plant, animal, bird, fish, mammal, human ie: Mastering the Human Domain & Terrain.