Music Therapy - Omkar (Sahaja Yoga Meditation) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Kundalini Chakra Raag AUM OM

111 videos • 34,341 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening Music Therapy (Kundalini Chakras Healing Musical Notes, Ragas, Mantras) - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation (Music Raags) - Channel Indian classical music therapy is a complementary therapy that promotes the inbuilt natural healing process. This music produces beneficial effects and is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually uplifting. It can be effective by itself and also can be applied as an adjuvant therapy from our ancestors who were spiritually evolved and had realized essential harmony between the human being and nature. Original knowledge of these things is found in Vedas. Gandharva Veda, which is a constituent of Sama Veda, is regarded as the Veda of Music. The science of medication is one of the most enlightened ways of Sama Veda. Omkar Music Therapy by Dr Arun Apte In particular, through the combination of specific notes (this combination of notes is called Raga) you can act on specific chakra. OM (Omkar) is the primordial sound of which created the universe. Also the sound of the residue, called Kundalini. The Omkar consists of 4 sounds: A and U contracts that give O, O nasal (anuswara) and M. Each of these sounds has a direct effect on our energy system: A - kar has the power to activate the left channel or lunar channel. U - kar has the power to activate the right channel or solar channel, M - kar acts directly on the center channel. This therapy is widely used for stress management. How does Indian classical music therapy work on the chakra system? In our day-to-day life, we find that all the seven chakras are not active all the time. Some do not work properly, as there are some hindrances, due to lack of required energy power. Since these chakras are connected with different organs, any hindrance in their functioning creates physical imbalance in the person. Emotional and mental imbalance are also seen depending upon the state of the chakras. Indian classical music produces different effects such as heating, cooling, soothing and emotional psyche of the listener. When the energy, vibrations and frequency of Indian classical music match with the energy, vibrations and frequency of the chakras, they get activated. This inner integration makes a natural path for the Kundalini to rise upward. When rising, the Kundalini nourishes the chakras and provides proper energy to them. Since organs are connected with the chakras, they also get the proper and adequate energy required and thus the balance is restored. Once the Kundalini finds its path to rise, it rises and pierces through the fontanel bone area and forms connection with the cosmic energy (power of divine love): it enlightens the brain and activates all the nerves in the brain, which in return, enlighten the heart. About the raagas Indian classical music is based on the raaga system. The raaga is a melodic scale, consisting of notes. The word 'raaga' in Sanskrit means 'to please'. Technically then raaga means a sweet combination of musical notes coming after another in succession. Raaga Shyam Kalyan helps to activate Mooladhara chakra. It allows the Kundalini rise gently, easily and naturally. Raaga Gurjari Todi has a capacity to cool down the liver and Raga Gurjari Todi and Yaman has a power of sustenance. Both raagas help to activate Swadisthan chakra. Both raagas have a power to stabilize the wandering attention which is very important for the meditation. Raaga Abhogi helps to activate Nabhi chakra and stimulate the digestion process. Raaga Bhairav and Durga have a power of divine bliss and protection. Both raagas help to activate Heart chakra. Raaga Jaijaiwanti helps to activate Vishuddhi chakra which controls five sense organs. Raaga Bhup is found effective to purify and open the Agnya chakra by deflating the balloon-like structures, of subconscious and ego. It is also useful to release tension, anger and mental fatigue. Mood created by this raaga greatly assist the Kundalini to pass through the Agnya chakra and enter the apex chakra Sahasrara in the limbic area. The person is now in the state of thoughtless awareness. Raaga Darbari and Bhairavi are extremely helpful to settle and prolong the thoughtless awareness state. Notes of this raagas relax the limbic area. The Kundalini then soothens and nourishes the chakra and the brain. One feels joyous, energetic, peaceful and relieved of tension and depression. The person also enjoys the sensation of cool breeze on his fingertips. This is the state of yoga. Regular practice in this way can open a new dimension of self knowledge and collective consciousness. Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation, the person can effortlessly achieve his complete well-being.