Adam Kadmon ® VIDEO Playlist 🔵🔴🔵

157 videos • 319,367 views • by ADAM KADMON ® My channel ADAM KADMON contains videos about UFOs, conspiracies, aliens and esoteric organizations such as the Illuminati. As I also explain in my books, I invite you to consider the subjects I narrated as fairy tales of the modern era but always remembering how unfortunately the human race, if certain bullies persist in distancing it from fundamental values ​​such as respect, tolerance and altruism, has a 75% of probability of sinking within the next 25 years in an era of ferocious barbarism. In this case the first to lose will be the weakest and most defenseless. Then all the others. To be clear, Homo Sapiens is in danger of finding itself in a terribly similar future to that described by films like Mad Max or cartoons like Ken the warrior. It may seem little, but just by helping me to spread as much as possible my videos dedicated to peace and the protection of human and animal life, you greatly increase the chances of creating a better future for everyone! THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. A strong hug and good vision! __________________ WELCOME TO THE ADAM KADMON ® OFFICIAL CHANNEL (although the Home Page has not appeared in search engines for years). Good vision. UPDATED LIST of ADAM KADMON ® SITES, BOOKS, DVDs and MUSIC SITE BLOG FACEBOOK PAGE INSTAGRAM TWITTER YOUTUBE CHANNEL WORDPRESS GOOGLE AUTHOR GOOGLE POST ______________________ BOOKS (from the most recent): 1) APOCALYPSIS 616 (Priuli and Verlucca 2019 editions) 2) BABYLON 777 (Priuli and Verlucca 2018 editions) 3) LUX TENEBRAE (Priuli and Verlucca 2016 editions) 4) ILLUMINATI (editions Piemme 2013)