7 videos • 42 views • by Christopher Hendrix the erstwhile OGREdRiVE (formerly bEAUtifUL MANfLOWER [formerly SMOtE {formerly ELP -- Elvis's Last Poop}]) was, until its implosion, primarily the remaining ¾ of L0Ckb0dY, playing the covers no-one plays (but ShOULd). the name is actually condensed from bULLEt-thUMbhEAd OGREdRiVE, a.k.a. B.T.O(-D). our members to you: "Bullet" Bob Russom on axe & vox Skohti "Thumb-Head" Hamilton on drums Chris "The Fat Ogre" Hendrix on bass & vox. Please enjoy what we did!